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New Baby Shower Games

Memorable Baby Names

Our new baby shower games will help make your next party a success! The usual memory games and word scramble games can be fun, but sometimes NEW is best!

So here's one super-simple idea to get you started. Scroll down for links to some of our free baby shower printables.

Here's a peek at the printable page. The full text also appears below.

Memorable Baby Names, one of our new baby shower games!

Supplies: None
Number of guests: Any
Time required to play: Flexible, 10-15 minutes is good
Object: To remember a long list of first names

  1. To play, select one guest to go first. She calls out the first name of one of her children, or a name she would like to give to a child.
  2. The guest sitting on her left repeats that name, plus she adds another name that begins with the last letter of the previous name.
  3. The third guest repeats the first two names, in order, and adds a third name that begins with the last letter of the previous name.For example, guests could create this string of names: BETSY - YVONNE - ESTHER - RUTH - HELENA - ANN and so on.
  4. If someone uses a name that can be spelled more than one way, that guest should spell it the way she prefers it.
  5. A first name may not be used more than once in the game.
  6. The winner of the game is the last person to correctly list all the names in order AND call out one more name to be added to the string. In the event the game continues for a long period of time, you may just want to end it. Then you could award a prize to the person who added the most unusual name to the list.

As you can guess, the longer the game goes, the more difficult it is to remember all the names. The other trick is to keep thinking of new first names for letters that are frequently used at the end of names, such as Y and E.

More New Baby Shower Games:

baby stroller

Here are more items we hope you'll try from our collection of new baby shower games.

Baby Names A to Z: This word scramble puzzle is a bit tougher than the one above. If you want to challenge your guests, or fill more time, try it!

Baby shower word search: This unique puzzle is in the shape of a baby bottle. Very cute!

Baby Equipment Word Scramble: See how quickly your guests can unscramble these words about everyday baby equipment you use for the precious newborn.

Additional Resources:

purse stuffed with lots of things

We also have a lot of bridal shower games and activities you might like to try including:

Crazy Bridal Shower Games - Three fun games guaranteed to bring lots of laughs and interaction

Bridal Shower Purse Game - A rollicking fun game where guests earn (or lose) points based on the contents of their purses

Wedding Word Scrambles - Links to several scrambles for wedding shower word play fun

Please note we also have lots of free word search puzzles and crosswords at all levels of difficulty. Lots of folks especially enjoy our easy crosswords.

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Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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