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Free Bible Games

open Bible

Use these free Bible games for your next group event, or to solve on your own. Our games provide a great way to important Bible information while you're having fun!

Be sure to try LOTS of these links. You'll find games and puzzles that are just right for you, no matter your age or level of expertise!

listening ear

Who Heard It? - Can your kids identify what biblical character God was speaking to in each statement? Can you?

Bible Games for Groups

baseball batter

Bible Bingo Game Old Testament Bible Bingo at its best! Play it at your next family night or youth group meeting.

Here's another Bible Bingo Game featuring the New Testament.

Bible Baseball Batter Up! Test your group's knowledge for Bible Trivia in this fun game for any size group. We've included a printable list 30 questions and answers for your convenience.

Bible Tic-Tac-Toe - Review any Bible facts using this format. Great for All Ages!

Bible Brainstorming Game

Bible Brainstorming I Perfect for any group gathering. These free Bible games challenge everyone to supply as many answers as possible before time runs out!

Bible Brainstorming II  If you enjoyed solving our first Bible Brainstorming word puzzle, here’s a new challenge. Warning: This one is even tougher.

Check out these of BIBLE TRIVIA games, questions and answers and this set of PRINTABLE BIBLE GAMES!

Bible Word Search Puzzles

We have the best free Bible games, for groups and for individuals! See our entire collection of Bible Word Search Puzzles, or choose one from this shorter list:

Jesus praying

Who Was Jesus? Jesus was called by many names in the Bible. We’ve hidden 40 of them in this puzzle. See how many you can find.

The Books of the New Testament Great for personal use or a Sunday School class. Find all the books of the New Testament. Don't miss the little "twist" in this one!

"The Temple" Bible Word Search Do you need to find a great free Bible word search puzzle? See if you can find all the words related to Solomon's construction of the Temple.

Joseph - Son of Jacob Review the names of Joseph's brothers, his experiences in Egypt and more as you solve this fun word search puzzle.

Kings Can you find the names of all the kings listed in the books of I and II Kings? We've added a twist. One of the names is actually a Queen! Which one is it?

Bible Crosswords

Jesus with arms outstretched

Names of Christ Crossword - Your congregation will enjoy digging into the Bible to find the 30 different names of Christ used in these clues. Fun and educational!

Characters in the Gospels Can you remember the names of these important people from the first four books of the New Testament? Great for Bible classes of all ages.

The Birth of Christ Solve this crossword about the arrival of Baby Jesus. Great for Christmas -- or anytime!

The Apostle Paul Review the remarkable life of the Apostle Paul n this challenging puzzle.

Bible Crossword - Noah's ark

Noah's Ark Bible Crossword Can you answer all these clues on one of the most famous events in the Bible?

The Story of Esther One of the most remarkable women in the Bible, the wise and beautiful Queen Esther, is the centerpiece of this interesting crossword puzzle.

Locations in the New Testament Do you know your Bible locations? See how many places in the New Testament you can call to mind with this unique Bible crossword. 

My Newest Kids Bible Pages

Sunday School Printables - Fish maze from the story of Jonah

Sunday School Printables  Your students will love solving these fun mazes as you teach them about Jonah and a special verse from the Gospel of Matthew. 

Bible Lessons for Kids, "God Cares for You"

Bible Lessons for Kids   Try this engaging object lesson called, "God Cares for You," followed by this whimsical activity page. It's a memorable lesson on an important truth from God's Word. 

More Free Bible Games and Activities

Names for Jesus - One of our most popular printable Bible games! Start at one letter, follow our directions and spell name after name for Jesus.

wise owl sitting on a tree branch

Wise Up! You'll uncover a great verse from Ecclesiastes, IF you're wise enough to correctly follow all the directions! Great for ages 8 to adults. It's one of my favorite free Bible games. :) 

Bible Puzzles for Kids, ABC style! In this fun puzzle, kids must remove each letter of the alphabet to reveal in important Bible verse.

Puzzling Proverbs - Find more words of wisdom here! Solve two challenging, unique word puzzles from one of the most interesting books in the Old Testament.

Bible with cross on front

Books of the Bible Puzzle Try our books of the Bible puzzle. See how fast you can unscramble the name of each book of the Bible and write it correctly in the blank.

Hidden Books of the Bible Try to find the names of 17 books of the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments that are hidden inside of bigger words, or are spread across more than one word.

Bible Cryptograms Uncover truths from God's word as you decode these verses.

Bible People Pairs Try to untangle well-known Bible pairs of people in this unusual Bible word game. Two names have been woven together in each line. Can you separate them?

Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


Think-a-Spell eBook

A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.

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101 Word Play Puzzlers

101 Word Play Puzzlers - flat cover - large

More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!

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Free John 3:16 eBook! 

Free John 3:16 Puzzle and Coloring eBook for Kids, Parents & Teachers

Free John 3:16 Puzzle and Coloring eBook for Kids, Parents & Teachers!  Learn and share the Good News. 22 pages in all. Co-written by Keith & Ann Fisher 

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