On this easy printable crossword puzzle, you just have to know a little bit about a lot of bugs. And that should be easy, right? After all, you've probably been dealing with them for your entire life!
Seriously, you'll probably have no problem with this puzzle, even if you're not a scientist.
Easy printable crossword and answers
Try another easy crossword or two from this list of recommended puzzles:
Road Signs - Follow the signs for a fun, easy crossword puzzle. Simply supply the message shown on the sign. Quick and simple for kids and adults alike!
Home Work Supply the names of 20 interesting types of homes.
American Holidays and Special Observances There's so much to celebrate!
What's the Scoop? A tasty puzzle, all about ice cream!
Famous Pairs: If you can finish clues like peanut butter and ?, you'll have a blast with this one!
Corny Jokes Crossword In this printable crossword puzzle, every clue is very corny joke or riddle!
Let's Eat: If you're ready for something just a wee bit tougher, try this one. You'll probably have little problem thinking of the right word, but you'll have to spell it correctly to complete the crossword!
We hope you'll come back and try many more of our easy crosswords and other fun word games. Don't miss our special collection for kids.
Adults like these, too!
A fun collection of brain teasers and spelling challenges. Best for ages 10 to adult.
More Buzzwords, Triangulairs, Zigzags and other fun word play puzzlers are packed inside this fun eBook!