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Word Scramble Puzzle

Movies from the 1980s

movie set "cut" sign

Ready for a movie word scramble puzzle? Just think back to big glasses, big hair and the Reagan years as you try to unscramble these popular movie titles. All were released between 1980 and 1989.

Here's a peek at the Printable Word Scramble Puzzle. The full text also appears below.

Note: The number in ( ) tells how many words are in the movie title.

Word scramble puzzle - Movie of the 80s, from our large collection of #wordscrambles at www.word-game-world.com


2. IDAGHN (1)

3. SMEDAAU (1)


5. MARNINA (2)



8. ABNAT (1)





13. ADDEHIR (2)



16. NUTPOG (2)

17. ANTOLOP (1)

18. TRANGED (1)



1. Chariots of Fire, 1981 2. Gandhi, 1982 3. Amadeus, 1984 4. Out of Africa, 1985 5. Rain Man, 1988 6. Driving Miss Daisy, 1989 7. On Golden Pond, 1981 8. Batman, 1989 9. Staying Alive, 1983 10. Lethal Weapon, 1987 11. The Color Purple, 1985 12. Ghostbusters, 1984 13. Die Hard, 1988 14. Moonstruck, 1987 15. Wall Street, 1987 16. Top Gun, 1986 17. Platoon, 1986 18. Dragnet, 1987 19. Trading Places, 1983 20. Ordinary People, 1980

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  2. Word Scrambles
  3. Movies from the 1980s
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