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Free Printable Word Games

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Welcome to our unique free printable word games called Buzzwords! You can find a sample puzzle and complete instructions here.

To solve one of our exclusive Buzzword puzzles, you will use crossword-type clues, search through a honeycomb of letters, and unscramble anagrams. There’s no other puzzle quite like this!

Buzzword #1

Buzzword Free Printable Word Game
Buzzword puzzle 1

Printable version

The shaded E and the six letters surrounding it spell PETUNIA, which matches one of the clues below.   

In the same way, find a 7-letter word for each of the remaining clues. Keep track of the center letter for each answer you find.

1. flowering plant   petunia - E

2. a solo performance

3. excellence

4. person receiving medical care

5. adult male domestic fowl

6. old item

7. opening in nose

Now find the BUZZWORD for this puzzle by unscrambling all 7 of the center letters to spell the answer to this clue:

                        a coin           

How did you do? If you're ready to check your answers for this Buzzword puzzle, click on the button.     

Buzzword #1
2. recital-T 3. quality-Q
4. patient-A 5. rooster-R
6. antique-T 7. nostril-R
Buzzword: QUARTER

Tips for Solving Buzzword Puzzles

There are two great approaches to solving my Buzzword puzzles.

1. First, you can look through the honeycomb for words to "pop out," and then try to match those words to a specific clue. If that doesn't work, try these steps:

2. Read each clue carefully. Try to think of possible answers.

  • If your ideas are not spelled with 7 letters, consider looking in a thesaurus or dictionary for synonyms for 7-letter words.
  • As you look for hidden answers in the puzzle, watch for common letter combinations such as consonant blends (TH, CK, BR, and so on) and other letter groups (ING, ED, AND, and others)

3. Always work on the printable page in pencil. Write the center letter of each word in the space near the BUZZWORD clue. When you've solved all 7 clues, or maybe even before, you can rearrange those letters to spell an answer to the BUZZWORD clue.

4. Have FUN! 

More Buzzwords:

Are you ready for more Buzzwords? We hope so! Try these next:

I'll be adding more Buzzwords in the future, so please check back again for more of these free word games.

More Free Printable Word Games:

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Triangulairs TM- Unscramble a 10-letter word and form 4-letter words following one simple rule. Try to meet or beat our scores!

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ZigZags TM - A fun-shaped puzzle to test your spelling and vocabulary expertise.

Dynamites TM -Blast our 9-letter words into two different sets of 3-letter words. Quick puzzles that are fun for everyone!

Hidden Books of the Bible Try to find the names of 17 books of the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments that are hidden inside of bigger words, or are spread across more than one word.

More Classic Word Games:

We also have lots of more free printable word games on all sorts of topics for all ages. Here are just a few examples:

Celebrity Anagrams: See if you can rearrange the letters to spell the name of a current celebrity you might see on stage or in a movie.

yellow question mark

Cryptoquotes - Several sets of thought-provoking  and/or humorous encrypted quips and quotes. Very entertaining! It's very satisfying to decode a quote AND fun to read an amusing anecdote or quotation. I have a HUGE collection of cryptoquotes, cryptoquips, cryptograms and cryptofamilies. Be sure to try them all!

50 States Word Search Game - Find all fifty states of the United States. Fun to solve no matter where you live!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Crossword - Here's a great crossword puzzle to honor a great leader! Share it with your family, students or co-workers, or solve it on your own. It's free and printable!

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These fun bridal shower activities will make your big party truly memorable! Try several of our whole group activities and printable puzzlers for a fun-filled wedding party. We have games to play with the whole group, as well as individual paper-and-pencil game.

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A to Z Word Scramble for Baby Shower:  Your guests will add a letter from A to Z to a group of scrambled letters to spell a baby's first name! Lots of fun, printable and free.

Don't miss our word games for kids!

  1. Word Games
  2. Buzzwords
  3. Buzzword #1
Word-Game-World : The best place on the planet for free, printable word games


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